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Writer's pictureCanute Fernandes

Devils Circuit – You ain’t mediocre…

When adventure meets good cause…!

Hi Guys!

What have you guys thought about making your November exciting? Hurry to test yourselves physically and mentally…

A shout out to all the “Bearded Guys” to come and get your beard nourished naturally with the love of Mother Nature… How? It’s possible to get the best nourishment, all thanks to Devils Circuit, wherein, we all can explore the adventurous side of ourselves…

Let’s celebrate “No-Shave November” with a much excited and breath-taking journey of Devils Circuit

It’s a perfect union of a good cause with a badass effect…

If you all must be wondering what’s with good cause? The ideology of “No-Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free. Donate the money you typically spend on shaving and grooming to educate cancer prevention, save lives, and aid those fighting the battle.”

“You need it; we give it” – Team Devils Circuit

Team Devils Circuit

And the badass effect is that moment when you can proudly flaunt your macho beard all nourished and covered with mud just to capture a perfect candid by the much capable DC team. Here’s to the good cause and a reason to get your beard to the battleground… You would not regret getting your arses here and spending your November with an exciting run… A run to be remembered, a run to be called devil slayer, a run to brag, a run to push yourself, a run to stand out and shout out to all those who didn’t come in…

You can register by clicking here.

For more details, you can click here

This November “You did not wake up to be mediocre.”

Let’s welcome this November with a high adrenaline course of action…

These are my personal hashtags – #goodbyeroutinelife #bedifferent

You need an awesome November, here is where you need to come…

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