Canute Fernandes

Apr 30, 20193 min


Hey Guys!

I have been trying to think on what shall I write? And
that’s when I thought to scan through pile of dust (brains) as too what is that
thing that has recently struck me and made me think over it again and again.
Well, I had recently participated in a CrossFit competition organised by TFL –
The Fittest League, India. The event was just perfect, however, I had an injury
during that event, which was given by none other than the great “Thrusters”.

Kettlebell Thrusters
performed by
Pradeep Kolekar coach @ 303 Crossfit Drive

And, that’s when I thought why not share the fundamentals of how to go about with the form & technique. Don’t worry it’s not as bad as it seems, the injury was purely because of my misjudgement, while, I left the bar from an overhead position. Yes, overhead position which made the bar land on my right leg scraping it… It’s almost recovering and gonna get back to training soon…

CrossFit is perfectly safe if you follow the right form and technique with proper guidance. I’ve tried to explain thrusters, how to perform one and benefits of thrusters in one’s routine.

What are thrusters?

Thrusters is a well-known compound exercise that’s part of
CrossFit workout program. This is a combination of front squat and an overhead

Thrusters are considered as one of a kind as it’s a complete
body workout that focuses on movements used in one’s routine life. It focuses
on improving coordination, muscular endurance & balance. They help in
building both upper & lower body as they focus on your quadriceps, glutes
& shoulders. With time it also helps develop core strength.

How to perform a thruster?

It is important to perform the thruster with the proper technique & form. You can start by using only a barbell. The flow of movement should be quick and continuous; it shall not be broken in short or separate movements.


Barbell Thrusters
performed by
Pradeep Kolekar coach @ 303 Crossfit Drive

  1. Use an overhand grip to hold a barbell and stand
    with your feet shoulder-width apart.

  2. Your hands should also be shoulder-width apart.

  3. Draw your shoulders back and down. Keep your
    spine in alignment.

  4. Keep a slight bend in your knees. Refrain from
    locking them.

  5. Your feet should be under the bar.

  6. Slowly bring the barbell up to your collarbones
    or above your shoulders.

  7. Bring your elbows underneath or facing forward.

  8. Engage your core and expand your chest as you
    slowly lower your body into a deep squat position.

  9. Drop your glutes lower than parallel to the
    ground if you’re flexible enough, as though you’re sitting.

  10. Engage your core and turn out your knees
    slightly for stability.

  11. Press your heels and the outside of your feet
    into the floor and bring your elbows up as you quickly and powerfully explode
    to return to standing.

  12. When your hips are nearly in alignment for
    standing, engage your glutes, press your heels into the floor, and extend the
    bar overhead.

  13. Straighten your arms and extend your head
    forward so that your ears come in front of your biceps.

  14. Bring your head back into line with your arms.

  15. Slowly lower the bar to collarbone height and
    repeat the movement in a continuous motion.

You can also perform a thruster using a dumbbell, sandbag or
kettlebell with the same technique.

Benefits of thrusters:

Since, thrusters is a compound exercise it uses more than
one joint and is combination of front squat and overhead press.

Dumbells Thrusters
performed by
Pradeep Kolekar coach @ 303 Crossfit Drive

While performing a thruster your heart rate is at its peak
resulting in cardiovascular fitness and performance. Also, helps with better metabolism
and increase in your muscular endurance and strength.

Thrusters work the whole body. Muscles used include:

  1. Glutes

  2. Quadriceps

  3. Hamstrings

  4. Core muscles

  5. Back muscles

  6. Triceps

  7. Shoulders

#Beards #kettlebells #thrusters #CrossFit #dumbells #barbells
